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What Have The Icelanders Ever Done For Us

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joggerjayne | 13:59 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Given us Magnus Magnusson ...

... and Bjork.


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Beat us in The Cod War?
Question Author
Hosted the Fischer v Spasky chess match in the 1970's
told us where our Councils invested and lost our monies
didn;t they lose lots of our money in one of the bank crashes - certainly tamworth council was one that came off badly
And they lost lots of charities money as well

(oh and of course given us Sigur Rós (that's me out of icelandic musicians now))
They gave us mini cheesecakes and frozen nibbles!
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Not to mention this bl00dy volcano!
tell the airlines her secret passage EDDIE51
Now I've just driven back from Gandia and I saw a plane which looked, to me, to be heading up the coast towards Barcelona. Does anyone know if Barclona or Girona are open?
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As in The Two Gentlemwn Of Girona ?

(surely "Verona"? Ed.)
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So no one knows if Barcelona or Girona are open then....
They contributed to the British gene pool and brought civilisation to many parts of Britain and Ireland (and other places) when they were among the Vikings who colonised and ran those areas (no, they didn't behave as the actors in Hollywood movies). Good historical and anthropological sources will confirm this, and a visit to Jorvik (York) is also well worth while. Much of the English language now contains words which are directly descended from the language still spoken in Iceland. Magnus, Börk, Sigur Rós, etc. are more recent but also quite recently the Icelanders showed the way to successful preservation of fish stocks, in spite of best British efforts to prevent that success.
I am pretty certain all Mediterranean airports are open, but I cannot guarantee it. However, there will be no flights from there to locations in Northern and central Europe affected by closure of air space.

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