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Ready For Beddee

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joggerjayne | 20:05 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Got my jarmie bottoms and baggy tee shirt on.

Had my dinner.

I'm ready for beddee !


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It's a powerful image...
You sleep with dolls, or is your "Buddy" something else?
Janes buddy
Very early JJ - did yesterday knackered you out completely ?
Question Author
I didn't mention that I've also taken out my contact lenses ...

... so you have to add my specs to the overall effect !
-- answer removed --
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I may last a bit longer, Peri ... but the cosy duvet is calling !
All you have to do is shake your hair out of that bun and you will get all the guys imaginations going - :-)
Teeth in the jar...... oh purlease...!
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"Bun" ?


Actually, I quite often tie my hair in a high pony for bed.

I can't stand getting a face full of hair during the night.
I can!
I have vowed to get more early nights - for sleep that is - am currently exausted
What's this high pony you tie your hair to? I think we should be told!
I'm in jim jams too. Just having a glass of Cab Sauv. x
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You know, Boxy ...

A pony tail, but nearer the crown of you head, instead of down the back ...

You know ... like Pebbles from The Flintstones !

It keeps it out of the way.
I'll be convinced then - a sort of wild waterfall I guess! Sleep well anyway!
When I was a hippie I used to sleep with my hair in a hair-net - it got in a terrible state if I didn't...
Question Author
A hair net ?

Did that work ?
It certainly did.
If I had any sense I'd go to bed instead of faffing around on here tonight, not bored, just chillin'.....

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