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I don't get the lure...

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hippyhoppy | 21:36 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
of the Amazon... watching the Jones brothers ploughing down a muddy, crocodile ridden river, being eaten alive be mossies and ants.. for what..? some pointless sky programme.. erm.. which I'm watching!!


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Its adventure, grit, realism, a once in a lifetime opportunity to be there before all the tree's get pulled down and something to tell the kids about because when they grow up it will probably have been turned into a giant shopping centre/car park!
It's a long way to go for a shopping centre !

They'd need to have some reeeaal bargains on the designer labels to go all that way.
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JJ - we get to perv Steve Jones! hurrah!!
JJ, they'll be selling these amongst all the latest designer handbags made out of whats left of the wildlife's furs/ skins, horns etc.... http://www.dailymail....lls-395-trainers.html

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I don't get the lure...

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