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NoMercy | 14:36 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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Found it !!!
It is very flattering.... and absolutely irresistable. The rest of you ladies will not get a look in now ;-)
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have you been asked to crop it angel?
Question Author
That's a good question, I selected my avatar and clicked on confirm (tying it to the given email address).. so what happens now?
I've gone into edit user (profile) details - but can't see anything that mentions uploading an avatar - do we have to wait for the siesta to end?!
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I've got a picture of the new company car for mine

I couldn't find the avatar checkbox on my profile details though
You need to wait for the function to use the avatars here after the 'siesta' at 3pm, then go to your profile here on AB and enable the avatar.
I was asked to crop mine so it would fit, it then showed in the side it would appear, go to your emails if you haven't already done so and find the link NM
who will be the first one brave/stupid enough to use their real picture :)
tick the box in your profile angel to enable avatars
I would Chuck if I had a decent one that was recent.
I would chuck, but you menfolk would get too excited....
Question Author
Chuck... I very nearly did. I avatarised my pic that I have on my desktop... but then chickened out.
Mine was upto a few minutes ago on the beta site :)
I may do at a later date
i always use mine
mine is not showing on the beta site

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