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best avatar so far goes to .......................

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netibiza | 18:01 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
craft1949 - it's great!


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what issit of? And hello Neti, long time no see, nice to see a new gizmo has feretted you out ;-)
How can i find craft1949's avatar?
I like sallabananas ... found craft 1949 as well !
I liked her batty old woman avatar. She's used that on another site.
cheers neti...(and for the year off my age)
craft will be pleased she has become 1 Year younger !!!! ;-))
I may change it back NoM but have a few more to try yet...........
Just found it again, and yeah it is a good one Neti.

like yours too, very errr apt? ;-)
My avatar changed itself to my real pic for a few brief moments. I could have died...
For Funks Sake....not a best avatar thread already
I liked craft's too.... salla's is quite good in a hideous way....
Anyone voted for me yet lol
craft 1948 has a different photo when you go into their stats (double click on photo)
Question Author
Craft, ooops, sorry about changing your year of birth (wish I could change mine!)

Hi Boo, I've been around and about popping in now and then.
Just checking if it works....
I felt duty bound to stay in mt matronly character
I'm changing mine to see if it works again
Question Author
NO; NO; NO craft - how very dare you change it?? but this one is ok too!

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best avatar so far goes to .......................

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