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NoMercy | 19:39 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Who/what do you think is the funniest...

1. Famous comedian?

2. Gameshow host?

3. Soap Character?

4. Avatar on Ab?

5. Aber?


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1. Michael McIntyre
2. They're all minging
3. Sean on Corrie
4. Pericat
5. Can't say just one - boxy, ttfn, joggerjayne, - to name just a few
1) Bill Hicks

2) Can't stand game shows

3) Can't stand soaps...unless Law and Order Special Victims counts in which case I'd go with Munch.

4) I liked craft's baby and salla's grotesque one.

5) snags
Question Author
Hey guys.

I would vote for...

1. Joan Rivers

2. Vernon Kay

3. Cilla from Corrie (please, God... bring her back)

4. Craft's "Safe sex" avatar, or Salla's guapa avatar.

5. NoKnow or Craft.
hate game shows
hate soaps even more
stevie c's smoking mushroom
funny left Ab with whiffey

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