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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 04:10 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Midweek today. the sun is about to go about it's business so have a happy day everyone.


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Mrs. wbm will be out beejay, she's used to the looking-for-sympathy ploy!

Morning DF.

Right! I must go and get cracking before our gorgeous daughter in law comes and turfs me out so that she can get on with the mucking out!
morning all.... bleary this a.m., spent far too much time on here last night following people's avatars as they burst into life...! Seagulls here also but they will be on top form tomorrow, dustbin day.
morning boxtops
Morning all - been a bit lax and not read all the posts... can't get my avatar to work.. however last night did have a visit from my rather adorable chap so am all smiley! (and the sun is shiny today too) xx
morning hippyhoppy
Good morning wbm,trust you,re well.
Morning DrF and everyone,hoping you,re all fit and well also.
Weather fine but chilly at present.
Have a great day all.
I am so unfit - I got puffed out putting my hair in plaits!!! For Funks Sake!!
morning daftgrandad
morning ppl. tired....v tired...x
morning stonekicker
Apologies - Morning DrF. You are always so courteous and affable..
as my mum used to say good manners cost nowt
and your mother was a wise lady... always a pleasure! (ps using past tense for mother as mine is in 'past tense' so you all have to suffer!)
testing avatar - It should be a pic of Perry the pesky puss...
Yep, that's working hippy (press ctrl + f5 if you can't see it)
Oh, and morning all :)
Morning all,

I seem to have missed wbm!

What a chilly morning.

These avatars are fun, I am still looking for mine!
I can see it chucky.. Chuffed to bits I've managed something techinical!!!
morning chuck and funnygirl
Morning Drf

And, Yay well done hippy, you'll be after my job next :) x

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Good morning early birds!

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