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Flight restrictions lifted

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moonraker558 | 06:10 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
A beautiful start to the day blue skies and contrails from the airliners now crossing the skies again, but during the closure of UK airspace has anyone noticed any improvement in air quality where live during the last few days.


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Quite right and as a lot of them are proberbly illegal immigrants anyhow they should consider boarding one to go home.
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I live under the flightpath of George Best City Airport. When it opened it was supposed to be flights to England and Scotland and nowhere else.
Now they want to extend the runway which will mean bigger and noisier planes.
We were here before the airport and don't like the prospect of this development.
And yes, the air quality is much better.
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So Helen - things are looking up re - Vegas then ?
Belfast City Airport started operating in the early 1980's. Before that it was used by an aircraft factory.
There is another airport about 13 miles from the center of the city at Aldergrove. We really don't need two for a city of our size.
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Flight restrictions lifted

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