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8 quick questions. I wonder ...

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joggerjayne | 14:05 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
1. Soup with a roll - - - buttered / not buttered ?

2. Orange juice - - - bits / smooth ?

3. Books - - - dog-ear / bookmark ?

4. Car radio - - - music / chat ?

5. In the shower - - - soap / gel ?

6. Base for pasta sauce - - - tomato / cream ?

7. At a hotel - - - in the pool / beside the pool ?

8. TV - - - weekly guide / daily paper


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1) Buttered.

2) No bits.

3) Usually dog earred by the time I've finished.

4) Music

5) Shower Gel.

6) Tomato.

7) In the pool.

8) I don't own a telly so neither.

1 dry roll

2 smooth

3 bookmark

4 chat

5 gel

6 tomato

7 in pool

8 daily paper (I throw the guides away)
Question Author
You see ... orange juice with bits ... you can (almost) believe that it's freshly squeezed.
1.buttered,but cut in half not torn
3.bookmark-but for some reason I only like paperbacks
4.silence is golden,but chat if I must
6.tomato with garlic and herbs
7.beside,I dont swim! on screen guide
hi jj x

1. Soup with a roll - - - buttered / not buttered ?- buttered

2. Orange juice - - - bits / smooth ?- i like the bits

3. Books - - - dog-ear / bookmark ?- dog ear

4. Car radio - - - music / chat ?- usually cd's, but if radio is on probably sport chat

5. In the shower - - - soap / gel ?- gel

6. Base for pasta sauce - - - tomato / cream ?- tomato

7. At a hotel - - - in the pool / beside the pool ?- in the pool

8. TV - - - weekly guide / daily paper - none really, as i don't watch much tv
Hiya JJ, my lovely jolly neighbour xx

1. Soup with a roll - - - buttered, but only lightly

2. Orange juice - - - bits

3. Books - - bookmark

4. Car radio - - - music.... and lots of it too :0)

5. In the shower - - soap, in the main.

6. Base for pasta sauce - - - tomato

7. At a hotel - - - in the pool, chillin' and on a lilo reading my book/mag

8. TV - -daily paper ( we do get a weekly guide too, but the cubs have that somewhere so never get to see it )
1. Buttered
2. bits
3. bookmark
4. sport or a cd
5. Gel / scrub
6. cream
7. in the pool followed by a nice long drink and my book by the pool
8. Virgin / free guide on saturday
1. Buttered
2. Either
3. Dog ear
4. Music
5. Gel
6. Tomato
7. Both
8. Neither....just use the remote.

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