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I got my avatar...

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BBBE99 | 17:55 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Yeah, yeah...
I'm a goth (Or something like that)...

I was just so proud of it!

It has my name (Fiery!), a picture that I like, and the Sims Plumbob (I am obsessed...)...

Just thought I'd say...


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fluffing amazing
your bella goth..?
Well, this is me. Draw your own conclusions...
(Blimey, I hope this works!)
Yay! It does! Strike one for the Luddite!
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Bella Goth was female...

However, I don't fancy being Mortimer...
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And thanks, Steg
I've just changed mine too! :-) And i love the Sims!!! :-)
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If it isn't clear, please do click on my avatar so you can thrn truly see all of its glory.

I am so amazed I made it.
Using a program that was decade (s) old...
mortimer was a grumpy git, I quite liked the newbie family, I saw myself as the female one with the big bum
Errr nope i havent changed mine! its still the same for some reason, whats going on????
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Benny, I love the Sims too!

I have to go now, bye.
Be bak some time tomorrow, hopefully...
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I'm back...

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I got my avatar...

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