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YAY - what do you think of the new one? (At last!!)

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boxtops | 20:32 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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I can Hon, I still see the badge...I've changed mine now. I'm a Whale :o)
what you on about yogi? LoL, you have me totally confused...I know what I'm doing (I thinkxxx)
Nice tail mazie
...not before i bit your neck though as Count Yogula xxx
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whitebears I can only see a whitebear, mazie I can only see you on the beach
do Ctrl F5 boxtops and you'll see my tail !
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woo Mazie I F5'd, see your tail!!
Thank you lard, I am rather pround of it :o)
box how come i cant see my pic?:(
Proud....too much red wine :o)
you're a whale, mazie and may i say....a lovely one :0) xx

Night, honey and all good peeps....i'm off to watch some tv and fall asleep on my exceptionally comfortable couch....only to wake up and it's about 3.00am......who DOES'nt do that, eh?

have a great evening and nighty night. xxx
WhiteBears press ctrl and F5 and it will update for you and you'll see the lovely whitebear x
night yogi xxx
Kiss Boo boo for me yogi - I see he's dropped off by your side
i c it mazie!, thank you very much xxxxxxx
Will do, lardy.........night, my lovely xx
What a bootiful bear that is white.
a pleasure whitebear. You have to remember to keep refreshing as folk are changing their avatars all the time..... You are a cute bear
thanks lard and masie :-) xx

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YAY - what do you think of the new one? (At last!!)

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