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So David Cameron has

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brenda | 18:30 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
been hit by an egg---what a waste of an egg------but perhaps he is one egg short of an omelette.


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What came first? The chicken or the egg?
In this case, the egg.
Watch the news tomorrow, I get a funny feeling we will see David get hit by a flying chicken!
(Wait, don't they fly anyway?)

He's already had an encounter with a chicken. He pulled the head right off it. Well, it was somebody from The Mirror dressed as a chicken. Was on the news the other evening.
Good shot considering he had webbed fingers
Would you have preferred it if Cameron had done a Prescott then?
lol Elvis...
Done a Prescott?....Clean the egg off and then sh@g his secretary?
well that's close Elvis but not quite what I meant.......

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So David Cameron has

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