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OMG, my friend has filled in the application for Coach Trip for her

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Bobbisox | 23:20 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
her hubby said she thought I would be game for a laugh
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ttfn, part of me is saying Oh Hell ! but the other part is saying
This could be
We normally sat in the seating just to the right as you enter, we won a few times too.
My daughter is 18 now....scary stuff....I wouldn't want her on the roads though..!!
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theres no newsagents there now dabs, my daughter works at the Dentist there and has done for the last 20 yrs
Jay is a great driver, he had to do extra tests because of his eye. I'm very proud of him. :-)
You would love it!
I know Bobbi, it's the old lang jack. Not been drinking in Whickham for years, but i live in Stanley now and drive through occasionally.
You remember my daughters eye as well?
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I think I would but I would end up telling some of the ar$es what I thought of
Of course Ummmm.
You might remember my best mate Bobbi, Jeff, he only had one arm, he lost the other in an accident in his grandfathers butchers shop!
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no doesn't ring a bell dabs
Edna and Les???
Was that Evil Edna the manager?
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the very same
what a cow !
She seemed far to miserable to be the manager of a bar. lol
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we fell out about 10 yrs back, she did me a great favour by
anyways been good catching up, going to bed now, see you again on here I hope dabs
Bobbi x
Thanks for the reminiscence Bobbi, it's been fun. Night night. x
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night dabees ♥

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OMG, my friend has filled in the application for Coach Trip for her

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