ive just bought a macbook and would like to use the itunes to sync my iphone to in future. How do i get what's on my iphone into itunes on my macbook? It seems to want to wipe whats on my iphone.
You are right, audio, video and some photos are a one way transfer only as standard. There are programmes out there however that will help you out. Google "iphone to itunes transfer" and you will get a range of applications. I've never used one of these for a mac so I can't recommend any, but the one's I've used to help out pals with PC's seem to do the job so I expect the mac versions will too.
Thanks snags. Looks like this only does music. My main concern is the apps. itunes tells me it will remove the apps on my iphone in favour of whats in itunes (nothing!)
To be honest, i don't know why itunes on my mac does not have all the purchases i have made through itunes. I've logged in and authorized my mac against my itunes account.
Once you have downloaded an app, it is linked with your account and free to download again forever.
As an example, both I and my wife use the same iTunes account and so if I download an app, she can download it 'free'. A message comes up saying you have already downloaded it once, would you like to download it again for free
You may try this iphone ipod transfer for mac. it can help you transfer files from iPod to your macbook, it works pretty well for me.
Hope it helps. Contact me if you have any other question.