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Egg thrown at Cameron, but....

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trt | 01:53 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
why is the student released with no charge, yet a women is given an ASBO and a £1,000 fine for selling a goldfish?


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It wasn't just about selling a goldfish. She admitted cruelty to animals for having a bird with a broken leg that she hadn't dealt with.... among other things....
it was a free range egg ?
a waste of a good egg.
did she think cameron was a bad egg?
The same reason that Fred Goodwin gets a MASSIVE pension for trousering millions of bank customers' money to sustain his extravagant lifestyle, while an unemployed single mother gets six months for shoplifting to feed her child.

One law for THEM, another for US.
Probably Cameron said he didn't want charges pressed - just his suit.
Panic Button...LOL.

Canary....if the Government had agreed YOUR pension, wouldn't you have taken it?

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Egg thrown at Cameron, but....

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