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moonraker558 | 10:24 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
been trying to start mine but i cant see a tick box on my profile to tick as requested to do so by AB, the only one there is to sign up to the newsletter.


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At the top isn't there a thing saying your avatar is active or inactive?
I love it when you speak that authoritive tone, manbeast! :0)
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yep thats the page i am on but i cant see any other checkbox than for the newsletter
cuddly though isn't he.....
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there we go then many thanks all for that.
oh well done moonrake you did it :)
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Only with some help..what do you think of it?
it looks very nice
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Is it just me or does everyone seem happier now we have our avaters?
I think its more relief than happiness..
Question Author
I think maybe you are right, its been a long time coming.
I think it makes life just that little bit better. A small victory.

If you're interested in Small Victories - see here: http://www.booooooom....hy-show-in-hong-kong/

All the best


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