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there is a certain theme in the soaps tonight!

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Bobbisox | 21:20 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Aarons gay, Sophies gay and so is Syeed, have they the same script writers?
I think Aaron played a blinder btw


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did he bend over backwards?
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summat like that
lol @ steg
Surely the 'trouble' starts when you bend over forwards ?!?
Bobbi this happens time and again in soaps - they will all come up with the same sort of story line. Deja vu, I say, deja vu or what?
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I like the Emmerdale one best, a young lad frightened to come out, in reality this must happen and for me, that is very sad

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there is a certain theme in the soaps tonight!

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