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sophie_1003 | 17:24 Mon 29th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Hoping the lovely people in chatterbank will have some suggestions for the following- I'm looking for days out that my boyfriend and me can go on. Anywhere around Warwickshire would be appropriate and indoors as well as outdoors suggestions would be appreciated as the weather is usually the main barrier to going out! TIA


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We have a free shoe museum in
Question Author
Ah yes, have heard that's quite good actually! Been to the museum in Abingdon Park, that was alright actually!
I live a two minute walk from that. Did you look at the birds? Such a
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We were going to but it was earlier this year when we had all the snow so just went back to uni instead lol! We got chatting to one of the blokes who works at the museum and he said there are some lovely rooms in that building but that it's basically falling to bits and they can't get the funding to fix it, it moved me and my friends to put all our spare change in the contributions box!
It's a great park. The bloke who owns the cafe is always campaigning. They have park wardens now because of him.

The cafes crap though...he charges restaurant prices.
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To be honest that's the only time I've been there, it's a bit out of the way cos my course is on Park campus but it looks lovely and could easily spend a day there I think!
Are you at Uni in Northampton then?

The park's great in the summer.
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I am indeed, doing an education degree, I commute though which is another reason why I haven't explored Northampton very much!
It's a nice you haven't done the Welly road yet?
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the what what? lol
The Wellingborough road. Where all the pubs are.....
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ah nope lol! Have been invited out a few times and to stop over at flats but it meant sleeping on the floor, I like my comforts too much for that!
Just get really
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I may just have to do that! In my second year now as well so most people are living in houses where I could crash on their sofas!
Yeah....I'll meet you for a beer :-)))
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urrghh, you can have beer, I'd rather have wine!
Figure of speech...I'll have a vodka or wine...
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Ah fair enough! I suppose I will have to go out in Northampton some time, it usually happens that when I fancy going out (which is rare to be honest, am not a big drinker!) everyone else hasn't got any money, are too tired or just can't be bothered!
Hi Sophie_1003
I mentioned Rugby because me and 'er indoors spent a really nice afternoon walking around the shopping area. I only live about 15 miles away but have never really walked around Rugby. We found it a really nice town. I'm not sure I would want to live there (no offence!!) but if you haven't been before and you like shops, try it for a few hours! :-)
Blimey .. we all live in Northants .. or Warks ... me NN11 3somewhere

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