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I'm slightly concerned

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B00 | 13:42 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
My pregnant daughter (8 weeks to go- yay!) has just rang and asked....

"Mum? Just off to Asda, im getting nappies- which one's do i get?"

I am worried about the future well-being of my grandson!


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We had newborn nappies for my eldest daughter who came out like a stringbean and they were to large (we ended up borrowing premature nappies from the hospital), then we thought lightning wouldn't strike twice so we had newborn again for my son, and he came out weighing 13stone and 6'2" tall (slight exageration) so we ended up having to get hold of 3-6months nappies instead. Luckily my last daughter came out needing good old fashioned new-borns (although we had all types handy)
It makes me laugh with all this rush to get things ready.

The shops will be open, and a queue of friends and family offering to help after the birth.
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Yeah, but you know what it's like with your 1st PB :-)
the thing I would make sure she has is loads of rompersuits, bibs and vests, especially in the early weeks with all the spitting up!!
Is mini Boo excited she's getting a baby from big sis?
My kids lived in babygrows. I could never understand why people put jeans on a little baby.
Tut... Any fool knows that if she's having a boy she gets blue nappies...
and mine did ummm, jeans used to fall off them or they would mess them, not too mention that they were ridgid to wear. even now my boys wear joggers and hoodies for the sheer comfort
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No Society, she's not. Think i can safely say she's very under whelmed by it all, lol.

And Mini Boo had baby jeans- they were just so adorably small, I had to buy them! Infact, i've kept them. I keep meaning to buy a box frame and display them- but it's a case of everything round here...a round tuit ;-)
My kids lived in babygows, rompers or cotton dungarees. Jeans and thick denim is too harsh for a babies delicate skin.
being a parent doesnt come with a textbook lol i didnt have a clue when i had my eldest i was only 19 it comes with time but its nice she has a soft place to fall and has your support x
BOO we are all excited for ya girl,
my nanna friend has just had her addition this morning, 6lb 140z boy called Jack
Boo - encourage her to think of the environment and get terry nappies - you can help with the washing - ;-)))
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Awww, how lovely Bobbs.

I did Peri, im getting some of those for when he stays over- but she just looked at me like i'd gone wrong. Kids eh?
My daughter had a baby at 19, i was excited but at the same time scared, as she was a terrible teenager,she was into everything and everyone, but she is a wonderful mum and i never thought in a million years she would be a good mum but she has proved me very wrong, your daughter should cope well once little one is here and she always has you as back up im sure. x
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I'm hoping so tamirria.

My daughter God love her, as always been flighty and well...a bit dim, so I'm really hoping that this will wake her up a bit!
I hope so too Boo, but i can asure you if she was as bad as my daughter was and she has turned out to be a gooden, then im quite sure your daughter will, just be there if she ever does need you, if its for time out, to go out, or whatever, just be on the end of the phone for them, and she will be fine.

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