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NoMercy | 16:54 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
If you were absolutely broke and had no food in the cupboards and had your landlord knocking at the door or your bank threatening to reposess, would you...

1. Commit Benefit fraud?

2. Rob a bank?

3. Beg?

4. Busk?

5. Sell your body?

6. Go to a loan shark?

7. Sell off items of sentimental value?

8. Shoplift?

9. Accept a loan from someone you hate, knowing they'll laud it over you forever?

10. Star in a porn movie?


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Question Author
Hey Sassy... I answered yes to 4 and 7. I did a brief stint in the Fraud dept back in '96. Bit different back then tho.
Hold the phone.......hi sara, is that you in that photo, sweetheart?...if it is....why am i married fgs?......LOL

Have a great weekend, gorgeous xx
Well I think I would have to restort to shoplifting!
lol, it's not me but I'm sure my butt looks like that, minus the tattoo ;o)
NoM, it's v different now.. we prosecute as many as we can, bless them all ;o)
1. Commit Benefit fraud? No

2. Rob a bank? No.

3. Beg? No.

4. Busk? Yes

5. Sell your body? Yes to women only...a few dates first

6. Go to a loan shark? No

7. Sell off items of sentimental value? No

8. Shoplift? No

9. Accept a loan from someone you hate, knowing they'll laud it over you forever? No

10. Star in a porn movie? Yes (already have!)
1 no
2 no
3 yes
4 yes
5 yes
6 no
7 yes
8 no
9 no
10 yes
Hi sara,

Saw your reply so popped in again....going out to my evening gig in under an hour now.......

I cant see a bum with sara 3 on it, as i did a few days ago.........on my browser i see a piccy of a lovely looking woman....light brown shoulder length hair and really pretty with a lovely smile....wearing a black polo neck.......the tattoed bum has gone.
If that is you, you are, indeed, a stunning looking woman, my lovely xx

See ya, sara and enjoy your weekend

love the bear xxx
oh, holy cr@p.. that wasn't supposed to happen!

ah well, I see NoM has her real pic up. I'll leave mine for a while, until it gets me into trouble ;o)
and thank you, yogi.. you're too kind, lol!
prob 9 although maybe 7 -
Aha.....I thought it was it just me that can see you and others see the "sara3" tatooed bum?

I think you should leave it on, as you are exceptionally pleasant to the eye, sweetheart.....not that the tattoed bum was'nt ...but it is'nt you, is

All i can say is that men must be mad out there not to snap you up........they dont make 'em like they used too.. xxx
oh, don't be nice to me yogi, you'll make me cry ;o) xx
she gets her stunning looks from her mother :-)
Question Author
Aww... leave it on there, Sara... it's a lovely pic of you.
Sorry,'s just any man would be proud to have you by their side......and he's out there......he's just gotta find you...and he will....just like you'll find your Prince Charming too.

Think we should all, at one time or another, maybe put our photo's up on here, so you know who you're talking to......possibly something to ponder.

Have a brilliant night, sweetheart xxx
aw yogi - i think you should be cloned !
and he's married... my luck, lol!

thank you mother, and thanks NoM.. love your pic :o)

off to the cinema, catchya'll later xx

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