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This almost made me cry!

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sherminator | 16:53 Fri 23rd Apr 2010 | News
17 Answers
I was proper welling up at this! Ive never heard anything so horrifc inall my life!
i hate the thought of a pointless death and this just shocks me to my core!

How can people be like this?


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I watched it on the news earlier. It's so shocking that words cannot explain. I can't even kill a spider but to think what was going through the torturers minds as they were doing this beggars belief.

All I can think is that they all goaded each other and became immune to his suffering.
I gave up trying to understand humans a long time ago. How could any person do this to somebody else and keep doing it on a regular basis?

And there are many more such individuals out there - and most of them look normal.
Perhaps Vic''' be along soon to explain how this lowlife scum can be rehabed. Put the barstewards down. They'll be out in 10, that's the sad thing.
Terrible, terrible, how can some human beings turn out to be such monsters?
'Oldfield - the girlfriend of James Watt - wrote a plan for a "game show" in which sums of money were linked to different assaults on Mr Gilbert.

Written above these were the words "Gilbert ends up dead".'

Even Vernon Kay wouldn't touch that one......
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I honestly was sitting at work reading this trying to stop myself from crying! It just.... I cant find words for what that man went through! How can people do that? We all have it in us, we all know that hurting another person is wrong! (wars and stuff aside when you can justify it to yourself why you hurt someone). But this! How do you condition yourself to be that evil?
The word savages is used too frequently on here, but no other word summarises these people, they ARE savages.
And whats worse is that these murders will be put on the cushy protective custody wings in prison with the other vermin to stop the general prison population killing them.
Tribe of savages.

Luton used to be a nice place until the 1950s when this sort of immigrant trash started to arrive from East London.
Sherminator, I've just watched this on the news and it nearly made me cry too! That poor poor man, the people who did that should be hung, instead of going to prison and coming back out into society. People like that don't change, what's to stop them doing it again and not getting caught next time?! Absolutely unbelievable, at least he's free from the pain now :/
Question Author "I honestly was sitting at work reading this trying to stop myself from crying! It just.... I cant find words for what that man went through! How can people do that? We all have it in us, we all know that hurting another person is wrong! (wars and stuff aside when you can justify it to yourself why you hurt someone). But this! How do you condition yourself to be that evil?"

Just like to say that apart from "we all have it in us" I agree 100% - cant find the words to do justice to describing this level of evil.
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I cannot watch too much detail of this cos of personal fragile mind stuff,but this crime is diabolical.That poor,poor chap.My heart goes out to his family and I hope to whoever they eventually find peace.
I really am struggling to think of any good reason why these people should not die for their crime...
I'm just totally speechless !!! they're little better than savages.
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That poor man. I wonder that the police who followed up the abduction allegations didn't act when he said it would be better in the long run not to get them involved? Doesn't the force have a protection remit?

If I think anyone who uses the service I work for is being abused in some way, then I'm supposed to report it. Doesn't this apply to the police.

I just can't help thinking someone could have saved him.

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This almost made me cry!

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