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is it me or is it a bit quiet in here tonight??

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zzxxee | 20:03 Sun 25th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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Shhhh !
no theres peeps everywhere
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lol jj its just a bit zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in here !!
Id say that generally on sundays people have hangovers, are studying, have gone out for the day or are getting ready for work/college the next day.
They are all off somewhere, having mind-blowing sex.
really? I'd say more on a sunday as F all on tv
Question Author
maybe im just being daft x
"is it me or is it a bit quiet in here tonight??"

No, you're never quiet :P
Question Author
what are you saying boo lol
You've woken me up, been out early with some friends had a drink or three and back home to relax. Don't know when the mind blowing sex is going to start jj.
Question Author
right im going see you all soon xx
If its too quiet then have a glass of wine, put the volume up high and have a dance to this!
Too late! Bye zzxxee!

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is it me or is it a bit quiet in here tonight??

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