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Blogging (On line diary)

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bigfoot3000 | 20:48 Sun 25th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Do any of you blog? If not why?


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do you?

I dont.
I can't think why I'd want to!
Nope, I'm not that interesting.
Why the ruddy hell would I want to inflict my dull life on anyone else?
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Cazzz Im thinking of starting one.
Gizza fag, Boo. I'm just having a brandy and fanta...
It's a spitty roll up, that do ya?
a brandy and fanta...

I spend enough time on here rambling on, I don't keep a paper diary (except for appointments at work) so I don't understand why people blog - or facebook come to that. Going out and meeting real people is much more interesting!
Yeah, sure. You can help yourself to my brandy...
"Going out and meeting real people is much more interesting! "

I'm obviously meeting the wrong kind of people, folks I meet are as dull as ditch water too.
Beggars can't be choosers, Cazzz - I demolished all the vino last night.
ooo don't mind if I do, can I have coke in mine though?

Nice piccy by the way- aren't you pretty (dammit!)?
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Boo as most of us are on the computer it makes sense to have a diary here, also ii would be good to go through it after a year to see if you have changed, what you've learnt there are many events, emotions, ups and downs that we would've forgot about.
If i've had a particularly intrsting day, i might mention it on facebook, but i don't blog about every day of my life, it gets like watching big brother live all day every day, you'd rather just watch the whole day combined into 15 minutes (they drag it out into 1 hour though) and get the best bits.
Cheers, Boo. I'm not that blue in real life though.

I think I may have some diet coke kicking around...
If most of us are on the computer...qwouldn't most of our Blogs read...

"got up, scratched elbow, drank coffee, switched PC on"

several hours later

"got up, scratched elbow, drank coffee, went bed"
Good god no... aside from the sheer boredom I would inflict on people, I don't think there's enough privacy in this world any more. I prefer the quiet life....
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Maybe they're only worthwhile if you have an exciting job or are a celebrity!

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Blogging (On line diary)

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