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Eastenders tonight

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joggerjayne | 17:17 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Who wants to know what happens?

They were discussing it on Talk Sport.

If I tell you, it will save you having to sit through it.

You can have half an hour of extra life ... with my compliments !!

Now, are you likely to get a better offer than that today ?


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If you're good enough to tell me, JJ, I can go out and have a couple of Latinos tonight...
Tell me JJ AJ and I can concentrate on the task in front of me instead of the tv ! You better put a spoiler alert up though
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The gay Indian guy confesses to his wife that he's in love with Christian, and they've been seeing each other behind her back.

(apparently there was something written on the wall at the end of the last episode)

BTW ... Christian is HOT, isn't he !!!!!!!
I think Christian is a slime-bag.......yeuch
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Ya, but he's hot, Craft ...

He's the guy from the Dorothy auditions programme, right ?

Well, I would !!!
okay jj each to their own.......I'm now trying to find a guy I consider fit in any of the soaps...........
Oh i think he's hot too and yes he's in the dorothy thing apparently was in 'Cats' for years. Mmmmmmmmm
He also played marilyn in Boy georges musical "Taboo" he can run around in stiletos way better than i could even attempt lol
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He's gay in real life, yes ?
yes his boyfriend is also and actor, cant remember his name but he is ( or was until recently) in pricilla queen of the desert
Oh dear - I had a definite shot there !! ;-)
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Well, maybe I could just be his little dalliance !


(I'd make it VERY worth his while !!)
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Hi all. Who else reckons that Chelsea div. has mixed up the pregnancy kits and Amira really is the one who's preggers?
I read somewhere that as amira leaves the square chelsea wishes her "good luck with the baby" and amira touches her own stomach, so yes i think your right

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Eastenders tonight

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