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have a good night all chat soon

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zzxxee | 22:14 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
im off to bed knackered bye xxxx


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Night zzxxee!
night night zzxxee xx
Good night zzxxee
nite pet, not long for me either, been on a long walk again today and my legs are
Night zzxxee. Vodka time for me. xx
Night now.............sleep well.............
Good call. Me too, szexeey ... x

Night. Be good.

J x
Night zzxxee...sleep well, lovely xx
Question Author
night all what a lovely bunch you all are ((((hugs)))))) xx
Wait till you se us when we're drunk zzxxee! Lol.
Question Author
i will join ya big foot lol
Well I am ok - can't vouch for the others though (;-))
Goodnight zzxxxee Might have a nightcap before I go.

Your avatar makes me smile every time i see it....x
Question Author
night yogi and everyone xx

zzxxee going going gone xxx

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have a good night all chat soon

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