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waterboatman | 14:35 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Finally got it sorted out. Wonderful!


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Got to dash. 'Bye for now.
your pretty hunky yourself wbm xxxxx
That is a lovely avatar wbm!!

Well done I love it.
nice pic of tthe matthew, one of my neighbours is going to ireland on it.

really webbo didnt know you could hire it or is your neigbour part of a crew
looking a cool dude in your shades by the way lol
TNX zzxxeee, yes you can hire it, i think you may have to "work" whilst on board, i seem to recall her saying £75 per day.

thanks for link hows job hunting going by the way xx?
not to bad, sent off for plenty today and over the last week or so.

well done wtbm, never catch you early so pleased I have now x
Hey Bobbi, shall we ask wbm if we can all come aboard for a weekend away. Maybe a trip down the Tyne in her with you at the helm and craft in charge of Duty Free ! lol
we could do red, if I could ever catch him to say hello
He gets up to early Bobbi ! Don't think he would be too pleased if we crashed into the Jetty at South Shields in a drunken state. :-)
at least I see another of my old mates in here
Hello David x
Hi Joy, hows bill and hows newcastle today?, nice to see you.

both are fine thanks Dave, not really that warm mind you, hows my favorite Bristolian ...oooh I will get it now off little zeee, she and Mr Zeee are favs
good luck with the job hunting dave warehouse work yourafter i think where abouts in bristol are you i will keep my eyes peeled for you xx
south bristol, just had a call, got an interview on thursday.

Good Luck Dave ♥
oh thats good hope it all goes well xxx
Nice One wbm x

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