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need help - want cutting..

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hippyhoppy | 22:17 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
and hilarious 'facebook status' remarks' to shame the twonk in to thinking..'what have I done'.. or is that a bit rubbish..


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Afraid it's only suitable if you are under 16.
What does?

I definitely feel my age as I have no idea what this thread means............
She wants to update her FB status to p1ss her ex off...
hh, don't do it.
Shame what twonk, hippyhoppy?......x

crafty, it's not your age, sweetheart x
You didn't take your phone with you when you went to mates to get blasted on toffee vodka, did you?
nope can't think of anything apart ,just don't do anything that is the best way if he wants you he will come back if he thinks you dont care if you keep on he will not come back as you are starting to sound like a stalker the way you are behaving stop it now!! xx
You ladies are crrrazzzy.......crazy i tell

Webbo, fancy a drink, mate? :0)
thanks yogi not been called that for a while lol (well about a day)
Hiya Cherry x

Could'nt live without you though, so you're pretty x

( when you're not looking, i'm gonna nick your hat ) :0)
How about " Just got to new york to collect my lottery win, who knew $20 million dollars looked like this. http://www.power104.f...2/pile-of-money-5.jpg
someone already pinched it :( was so ruffled around the boa haha xxxxxxx :(:P
Hippyhoppy, don't do it. You'll end up looking like the crazy woman. All you'll need to complete the picture are dozens of cats, and to start shouting at passing cars
that's what I said, Bob.. but you said it so much better ;o)
Like this?
Cat lady
lol bob , said it better than me too hippy you still here ?
Hippy, you've got two choices.

1. Do nothing, maintain a dignified silence. Maybe he'll realise he's made a mistake and make contact with you, maybe he won't. Either way, you'll never look back on this episode with shame and regret.

2. Go all out to show him what he's missing but run the risk of exuding desperation.

If he's curious what you're up to, he'll contact you.

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need help - want cutting..

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