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well play-mates, thats the soaps outa the is me Ma (her av..pmsl)..but I haven't a Da...

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Bobbisox | 21:05 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Oh woe is me, I am nowt but an orphan in this big bad world, who wouldn't feel the need to adopt me huh?
Bobbi ♥


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Evening Madam Sin :0)

What you on about, Boobi's?......translate from geordie lingo to londonese please, missus xx
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have you seen sallas av
well I could be her love child, but I am looking for a Daddy to complete the little family unit..LOL
Is that better..ha-ha
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oohh yes I would love some cake please..Angel layer?
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Bobbi you are welcome to adopt me
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I bet your thinking of daddy sqad bobbi :)
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arhhh you can be my
Oh, ok........i gotcha, about Mr V, Sqad, or Carabint11111111? ( he seems to have gone AWOL and Quentin is most upset at this news, you know )x
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ha-ha, might be a resemblance cazz you never
What happened to cakeface?.........Did Boo and fluffpot nick his load?.....:0)
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Carabint was another I think yogi, but I couldn't swear to it
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I have an idea..
^^ oh oh.....she's got an that good news for us? .... and is it going to be such a cunning plan.... so cunning that she nicked it from Professor Fox at the University of Cunning arts?. :0)
Bl00dy hell bobs - I don't recall having given birth to you, but hey - if you say so. Come to mommy ;-)

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well play-mates, thats the soaps outa the is me Ma (her av..pmsl)..but I haven't a Da...

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