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Anyone know....

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Bbbananas | 15:40 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
... what MFI stands for?


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Always thought it was "Made For Idiots"
Manufactured For Idiots?
Question Author
Ah - I'll go to Ikea then.... thanks.
The company was founded in London in 1964 by Noel Lister and Donald Searle and was called Mullard Furniture Industries
I will be your sensible one

Mullard furniture industries
Didn't they go bust? MFI, I mean
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Thanks bobbi.
My local store has closed down - it's now a bulk-buy pet food store.
yer I thought they no longer existed
if you do go to ikea, please go the wrong way round the store screaming lemme out of here

pleaseplease please please
It stands for mother fluffing idiot. It's a store that sells bobjugs memorobillia.

Oh, you mean the DIY shop
it'll have to be Barker and Stonehouse sall x
You've not even asked what IKEA stands for !
When we go sea fishing to Ireland when ever you get caught on a wreck or the bottom Fin the skipper always says that you've caught Mother Fluffing Ireland
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I was just going to ask that next Old Geezer....!!

Bobbi - Barker & Stonehouse it is then... much more to my taste.
MFI used to make suppository furniture - so called beacuse you stuff it up yourself

IKEA is something to do with the original founder and his home town - Ingvar Kamprad from ElmtAryd-
Slight change - from IKEAs own webby

'The name is made up of the initials of our founder, Ingvar Kamprad and the first letters of the farm, Elmtaryd and the village Agunnaryd in southern Sweden where he grew up'
are you going to get a em.. MFI from IKEA?

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