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Jan1957 | 00:17 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
After all we've been through recently hubby went to work this evening and was told he no longer has a job. The club AGM was yesterday and it was decided that they couldn't afford to pay him sick pay so would not be renewing his contract. He has only just started his chemo and they have no idea how much time he will have to take off sick. Talk about kicking someone while they're down!


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Yes they have pulled the rug from under his feet haven`t they, it will hit him hard and I know you have mobliity issues, but try to spend as much time together doing things you enjoy. My heart goes out to you both.
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i agree - name and shame jan - i know from what you've told me before that hes a very hard and diligent worker
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Ok. you've all made me cry now. Will look into everything tomorrow. Thank you people. xxxxxxxxxxx
Night Jan - you deserve some luck xx
Don`t cry babes, sleep well ♥
Not been around lately Jan,but,this is a total disgrace!!..You need to contact someone,whoever it shame these people
Youre right linda - just wanted to say hi !
Hi Peri..thanks for that:-)..Scuse us Jan...
I think Jan has signed off Linda - you ok ?
I'm disgusted, Jan. I hope you shame them and I hope it all works out for you. X
Jan I am so so not let them get away with this seek advise...take care & be strong

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