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infedelity, Do you think a marriage or partnership can survive it...honestly?

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Bobbisox | 13:33 Wed 28th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
After reading abstracts from Denise Welch's new biography , I don't think a marriage would be strong enough to withstand this type of thing, she's very honest about her toyboy named Steve and what fabulous sex they had, and how Tim Healey has had various one night stands....
Could you carry on in a relationship that has had these things happen?


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he is a short ar$e, old Tim - I think his one night stand may be on a box, Gran ha ha
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Not sure why we bother with marriage Bobbi.Probably better to find a woman you hate and buy her a house. Ha Ha
Some bl))dy curse vibra. There I was calling Katie Price.

Poor old Tim a knee trembler on a box lol DEN
vibra...LOL It must be hell to spend time with a female sexual tyrannosaurus...LOL
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who would want to shout aloud how fabulous sex is for the
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I would rather have that KT with Tim on a box DEN than with Oz and his filthy knickers..LOL
No, sorry Joy - I am not keen on short ar$es - I dated one once - I had to stand on a plant pot to kiss him goodnight.
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me neither, fortunately my blokes have both been
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Joy - I can remember a rumour being put about that short men had a big whatsit
but in my experience thats a myth - being short just means its nearer the floor....
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a marriage or partnership probably could survive it if they tried, ............

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infedelity, Do you think a marriage or partnership can survive it...honestly?

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