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that veg that tastes like aniseed

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Mick-Talbot | 14:43 Wed 28th Apr 2010 | Food & Drink
24 Answers
I have just bought one.

erm ......what do I do with it?


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So it's not a strong overpowering flavour askyourgran?
Yes Mike, some do have seed all the way through. Next time you are buying aubergine give it a squeeze. The ones that are firm but yet soft when squeezed are the better, less seeded ones.
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I will remember that next time society. Ok all done, now i will put it in the fridge for a couple of days.
Pork, fennel and gooseberry strogonoff. Recipe posted under pork steaks on food a few days ago.

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that veg that tastes like aniseed

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