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Breaking wind in front of a new partner....

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Bbbananas | 14:57 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
... a discussion on Radio 2 at the moment is saying that the average length of time before a partner lets off (deliberately) in front of their new love is, on average, 7 months.

Come on guys - spill the beans (apt vegetable......?!)


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I'v just had another look - apparently there's an attachment filter..... What The Funicular? Maybe it doesn't like the word fart?
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I think to fart in front of someone on purpose is horrible. I also hate people burping, like its some sort of party trick. Totally gross on both levels.

I think it shows no respect for the other person.

Sorry folks
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thanks fluffy - but once again, it looks as though an attachment has filtered out...
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Breaking wind in front of a new partner....

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