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Apples and pears time

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ttfn | 23:28 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Goodnight everyone - it's been fun tonight, thanks for your company and ttfn


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ttfn ttfn - I'm off too. Feeling very decadent staying up so late - it's only cos I've got the day off tomorrow. Night x
Goodnight ttfn its been fun x
Question Author
A little decadence never hurt anyone! Enjoy a long weekend lardy, sweet dreams & ttfn
Question Author
It certainly has gran and you have really cracked me up. I can see a volcanic cloud over London - oh no it's just bobjugs heels kicking up the dust!! ttfn
G'night ttfn, keep up the good work pet x
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Night Bobbi dear - when are you going to collect boxy's bunting - I think she is hallucinating about it now! ttfn
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Cheers bez - as I've said before it is less frightening than the real thing (;-)) ttfn
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She was going to be my back up avatar - still less frightening than the real thing!
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Save your money bez - my word is my bond!
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Apples and pears time

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