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right off down my local watering hole....

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stokemaveric | 20:54 Fri 30th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
hope you all have a lovely there is a horse running called elusive pimpernal the 3.05 at newmarket...get on him....


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Have one for me stoke. I might have a flutter tomorrow, hope you are right!
Glad mrs m brought home enough small for change for you to have a half - enjoy!
Question Author
try a couple of quid e/w on him askyourgran....and tonyted neither have i..the closest ive ever been is on a blackpool donkey...i was only 4 and i cried lol...goodnite all....
Question Author
lol ttfn i just saw your post...she isnt in just going for a pint and a chaser to prepare myself for the worst lol...goodnite to you ....
Hope it's not the donkey that I'm backing tomorrow then.
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right off down my local watering hole....

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