and it says 'select 'burn disc at the bottom right of the screen'... err - no such button exists... Anyone any the wiser (and I know it doesn't take much!)...
hya hippy I have just done it..
I covered all the tracks and went into select then add folder to...and I put mine in music on my laptop, from there I have copied the CD
Joy ♥
Bobster - they're already on the laptop in my i-tunes folder... there is no 'burn' button where it says there should be! Crickey.. I get the phone sorted now this! Those poor techie chaps must be getting fed up of me!
Go back to your music tab under library then just select and drag the tunes you want to the playlist (it doesn't actually move them from your library, it just creates a list in the playlist). When you have enough select the playlist and then hit the burn button.
'By Jove I think she's got it!' - I jut clic and dragged the songs I wanted and it's now (fingers crossed) burning as we speak. Its asked for two discs... I assume it will prompt me when to put the second one in. Bloody Michael Buble - If Iever hear another one of his songs I think I'l scream!! Thank you both for your help . Hipster xx
I forgot one thing when you select burn, it will ask you what format you want, Audio CD or MP3. If you are planning to play the cd on normal CD player the Audio CD is you best choice for quality, if you are archiving then MP3 is the better choice