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What's your Saturday night's viewing?

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imhotep | 17:12 Sat 01st May 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Hi peeeeeps!!
As was mentioned in my threaded question, what's your viewing for this Saturady evening??
Here is mine.....

BBC1 6:25 Doctor Who
then I'll be watching a repeat episode of the first series of Merlin on DVD.
I love this Fantasy magical series.......can't stand Over the Rainbow!!! Blllleeeeugghh!!
After Merlin it will be.....
ITV 8:00 Britain's Got Talent
9:00 The Prisoner (weird series this is, but I'm hooked on it)
BBC2 10:40 Heroes (double bill.........oh no, last two episodes of this series.Will there be another I wonder?? I have been hooked on Heroes since the first ever episode,and I haven't yet missed one)

Is your Saturday night's viewing just as exciting as mine?
I hardly go out socialising fact I very rarely do.


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Five all night, NCIS, CSI NY, Law and Order, CSI, then will probably do quizzes. All washed down with vodka and lemonade,
Question Author
Sorry Mrs C. I've just now finished watching Dr who....nice to hear from you again hun...
My mum is fine,apart from being forgetful these days....
But ,handkerchief, I see no handkerchief!!!!
I created that Avatar because it looked a bit like me when I was a bit younger,so I thought the avatar would be most appropriate.
Right, catch you lot a bit later....gonna watch Merlin on DVD now....

I'm reading a book called Percy Jackson and the Olympians:the Lightning Thief at the moment.I tend to usually read it before I hit the pillow.

FAO BOO: I was in the co-op store earlier today to get myself a free bar of choccie and a 6 pack of free crisps too.
Nice to hear from you too BOO.....speak to you again soon!!
See yah all later!!!
By the time you wash down the vodka you wont know what you are watching csi or ny lol
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Yes , I like Judge Nutmegs's Avatar's from Chorlton and the wheelies.
I remember that children's show very
Oooh, they sure were great shows for kids in the old days.......
Imhotep's got a sticky, well done im!
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What you mean by a sticky??
Question Author
I know now what you mean by a no problems about that.
BBC1 Dr Who.
BBC2 Snooker
The rest I am recording
BBC2 9:40 - I'm in a Rock n Roll Band
I'll watch The Prisioner on 'catch up', It's ok but not as good as the original
Virgin1 11:00- Sexcetera
Film 4+1 12:00am - Timecrimes.
Will watch Match of the Day tomorrow morning.
Am not watching tv tonite....nothing on that takes my fancy....have other stuff to do!

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