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sleepy1j | 22:27 Sat 01st May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
oh no i can feel myself getting addicted to ab again :( lol


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It's terrible isn't it? The doctor should be able to give us some AB substitute - abedone or something. And all provided on the NHS and we can jump the queue at the chemist to get it :)
Hahaha....can't believe you left :-) x
its been really nice on here at night the last few days
Not a bad thing sleepy1j, Only does your head in if you join the mad over 50's club.

Is that beacasue i've been away 4get? lol
Hiya sleepy x

Where are the names I know? Has everyone left and gone to pastures new?
Question Author
yeah i left coz it got so nasty on here and the new lay out was not as seems like people are a lot nicer to each other now ..x
Not always sleepy....they just get banned quicker.

it's no where near as bad as the Wardy days...imo
hey bobjugs you still havent done your initiation
lakitu some nice new people here too you'll like

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