HSA advert... in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Loosehead | 15:56 Mon 15th Aug 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

... Would have you believe that you can claim back hundreds of pounds for trips to the dentist etc for paying 5p a week (slight exageration but you get the idea).  So How do they make any money? Anyone have an HSA policy care to expplain how it really works.

PS it's also one of the most nauseating ads on the TV!

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It's dead simple Loosehead it is impossible to get out more than you put in, and your 5p is a lot more than a slight exaggeration.

See this price list.


Link didn't work I'll try again. If this doesn't work just google H.S.A. and you will find their site easy enough.


Kev100 is spot on.

I took a policy with the HSA 15 years ago when my wife fell pregnant with my first son. She qualified as my spouse for a maternity payment. My son was born with a bi-lateral cleft lip and palate which has meant he has had to go into hospital as an inpatient for operarations, on average one per year, which means he qualifies for overnight inpatient payments. My wife also stays with him and also qualifies for a payment. We as a family also qualify for Dentist, Optician and many other benefits from the policy.

Even with all these taken into account, we've probably paid more in than we have received, it's like any other insurance policy, you never know when you might need it.

Also Loosehead (and you will be as shocked by this as I was) they can also refuse to pay if they say it is too expensive, let me explain.

About two years ago I watched a documentary that showed half a dozen couples who had all had the same experience with private medical companies, their stories were all the same, they had paid in to the system for years and when in later life they needed serious (expensive) medical treatment they were told it's too expensive you will have to get it done on the national health.

In one case this couple had paid in for 34 years and were refused on the grounds of cost and only got THAT YEARS SUBSCRIPTIONS refunded and were told to go to the NHS.

Private health companies are a con.
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I see, thanks guys, sounds great in the ad's doesn't it!

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