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NoMercy | 09:26 Mon 03rd May 2010 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
is punctuation?

Honestly, I cannot make out what people are saying sometimes, such is their lack of the aforementioned. I'm not being pedantic - but I really struggle to discern what people are saying.

I bet I know who'll be the first to answer this ! ;-)


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But you know what I meant, no?
the problem with the French is that they do not have a word for entrepreneur-------------George Bush
Yep, knew what you meant, and I think that's one of the important things, minor mistakes in punctuation and spelling don't matter as long as the question/answer is still readable and understandable.

Total lack of punctuation and/or text speak is just not readable to anyone over the age of 12 though!
It's strange we need punctuation to understand a sentence, but not the word spelt correctly.
Question Author
Good link, Vulcan !
Punctuation is important to my own typing but does not bother me if others miss it out or make mistakes. It does bother me if the "questions" in Body & Soul go on for too long though!
work this out from Vulcan's site ;)

the eelortacl piuclbiatnos ocpucy maiumxm ryeclcnig

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