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Big Foot!

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Jim Bob | 13:42 Fri 16th Jan 2004 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Does anybody know a decent shoe shop for men in London (apart from High & Mighty) for people with oversized feet?


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I can't find any in London. Nearest place that has a shop, and you can also buy via the net is in Woking, not that far away, (She hopes). There are plenty web based large shoe dealers if you google search " large men's shoes"
There's a shop called Elephant Feet on Atlantic Road in Brixton.

might be an idea to contact "WALKTALL", mailorder co based in chatham (i think). also, there's Magnus in hampstead...


am size 15 myself, and walktall have some great stuff, as opposed to High and Mighty, who are sh1te, overpriced and otherwise dreadful.

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