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Britains Holiday Destinations.

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furrypusscat | 20:23 Mon 03rd May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Sorry, pressed enter button before I had asked question - silly me!!

Can anyone help with Qu 69 - Broad or tic with r in it. & Qu 78 - Marseille to Paris er & monster in Lomond.

I have seen Southerness answered but 'ness' was the Loch Ness Monster, I'm not entirely happy with this if anyone has any other thoughts. I thought Lomond's monster was called Lommie.

Many thanks in advance.


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I did wonder if a mistake had been made by the quiz setter re Lomond monster. Has anyone any suggestions. Thanks.
I think there may be a mistake .I've been trying to figure it out and i can only come up with this- When I see Lomond I immediately think of loch (as in the well-known song) so monster is in Loch Ness. Actually Nessie not Ness is the monster's name . A weird clue!!!
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Thanks quinie for that. Do you happen to know the answer to Qu 69 above or could you give me a clue please.
No, sorry, but I'll think about it tomorrow. Way past my bedtime thanks to snooker! Rooting for Dott (wonder why?)
q69 think of vegetables.
As for q78, This setter does usually tend to have a typo and there is usually at least one answer that nobody knows how he arrives at.
P.S. the "lomond monster" is a new Imax cinema built in the area
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Just switched on (laptop I mean- too early yet for brain) Thanks for all your input. Will think about your suggestions.

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Britains Holiday Destinations.

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