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tea time

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4getmenot | 18:50 Tue 04th May 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Does everybody on here always have pudding?


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Usually have something sweet but if not then there's often a biccy and a cup of tea a few hours later.
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I dont have pudding but mum alwas does me pudding if I go over hers.
I suppose being from an older generation we always have pudding.
Luckily Elsie is a great cook so there is no excuse.
Tonight we had home made bakewell tart and clotted cream ice cream.
I wouldn't be happy withou my pud!
Of course we have tea & biccies later too(oh dear are we piggies!?(LOL)
no I dont, occasionally I will have some fruit after a meal, more often than not I have a cup of tea
Never have pudding.
It depends what we have in. Sometimes we have a little chocolate pudding, or fruit salad, but more often than not we raid the freezer and have a ice lol or something like that.
Had spotted dick and custard tonight...yum
I seldom have pudding. I do like continental cheeses with pan de pasas (raisin crisp breads) and some red wine after a meal - but only on special occasions.

I infinitely prefer a liqueur coffee.
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making me hungry. I did make a banana lof the other day may eat that now
Only on Sundays and special occasions.
Never have dessert unless there are guests for dinner but have to have chocolate, preferably Maltesers.
I sometimes have a yoghurt ... vanilla or toffee flavour.
Very rarely.
Awwww, Jenna ... your pic is sooooo cute !!
You've mentioned Maltesers before, Prudie, obviously a fan - my weakness is KitKat - has to be 4 fingers not 2 (or 2 of the 2-packs).
Boxy... they've got kitkat icecreams in Carrefour !! I've not succumbed yet, but I am very tempted...
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the best is when you get a kit kat with no wafer!! Mmmm
Nooooo I must have...! Nearest Carrefour to me is either Cité Europe in Calais, or north of Birmingham (unless anyone knows otherwise.....)

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