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Text sent in error....

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ummmm | 13:38 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
How many times have you sent a text to someone by mistake? And was the contents bad?


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I once did to another friend who was moaning about a mutal friend of ours being a miserable pudding, I replied it could something she was worried about and not wanting to share with anyone....just as well coz I sent it to here by
but there wasn't anything untoward in
Millions of times.

I've texted my mother in law telling her to put the kettle on (meant for my wife)
I've sent a bloke I work with naughty messages whilst drunk (meant for my wife)
I've sent my ex gf's best mate soppy messages (meant for my ex gf)
I've sent my boss abusive insulting messages (meant for him, but I was VERY drunk)
Mine was not a text but an email.
I was moaning about my horrible boss and sent it to him!

Luckily, I say luckily I managed to recall it! Phew!
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I was texting my friend telling her about my evening the night before. I said that crapshag had come round to watch a DVD....and sent it to him...Ooooops.
My OH once received a bit of a racist joke on his new mobile, and decided to sent it on to someone else, but it ended up going to all the people on his phone book. Bit embarrasing that.

The thing is he isn't that sort of person he would never tell a racist joke or send one by mobile, he is not technically mind at all.
I sent a txt once to the girlfriend of a bloke I was seeing that said 'did B notice the mud in the car' was meant for the bloke
yeah quite a bit

i sent one to a friend that was meant for vibes once, that took a bit of nifty explaining
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once that i can remember, it was quite bad but got away with it
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I've done it loads of times but the only bad one was the crap shag comment. He was so up himself he didn't even consider that I might have talking about
The man hostage has occasionally got some weird texts from me I think.

My dads wife occasionally gets texts asking her lots of medical questions but that's what you get for having the same name as one of my nurses.
When i was younger I sent a message to a girl (Girl A) I was seeing, saying 'thanks for the nice dinner and awesome sex last night'. After I'd hit send I realised I'd meant it for the other girl (Girl B) I was seeing, so rapidly trying to backtrack I sent a message to Girl A saying I meant something last week. I then sent this accidentally to Girl B.
After tha I switched my phone off for a few hours, went to the pub with my flatmate and got drunk. When I turned my phone back surprisingly I found i'd been dumped. (I was only 16 or 17 at the time, so it was still in my formative years lol)
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lol....I find if I talk about someone in a text I send it to the person I'm talking about. Lucky I'm a lazy bitch and don't go into details....
oh theres some good ones here.
i dont think ive ever managed anything worse than texting Mr CRX to buy cigs on way home and accidentally sending it to my mum, who didnt know i smoked

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Text sent in error....

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