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Trivia...but anyone else think the bees are fatter this year..

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Bobbisox | 14:32 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
they look like big fat hairy blobs buzzing around,,lol


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I hope you mean round there stegsy,,lol and not round
yes bobbles round here not round there..........god they are round............. like giant walking water balloons
dot's right, bees are in big trouble, billions have died
Question Author
awww don't want them to croak it jno...but they are fat, fat, fat!
every time you say 'fat' a bee drops down dead.
I used to open the window to usher them out...............I now open the door.
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ha-ha crafty
won't say fat no more jno, can I say fatbe ?

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Trivia...but anyone else think the bees are fatter this year..

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