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Missing avaitor

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sandyRoe | 15:39 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart?


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You see, she's been missing that long people have forgotten her.
LOL. Pity about the typo tho' (avaitor -> aviator)
My gran had ( I assume my mum's got it now) a photo of Amelia stood in a field in Ireland infront of her plane, with my grans family all stood around her. It's fantastic, she's there complete with jodhpurs and flying jacket- Amelia that is, not my grandma!
Don't think anyone really knows where in the Pacific she crashed in her Plane sandy. Still a mystery I believe
i think she's still missing, Mr & Mrs Earhart are still waiting for the loaf of bread and pint of milk she went to get
Howland Island.
There is an expedition most years there to search. They search microscopically.
Recent movie "Amelia" has started the interest off again.
Ahh- when I saw the title I assumed this was another Avatar query.
Ahem - AviaTRIX.........

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