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Is a Jaffa Cake, a cake or a biscuit?

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yogi-bear | 16:21 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
The more opinions, the better..................debate on zzxxee's fav' thread at the moment.......this should be used a pre-cursor for tommorrow's voting frenzy ( ? ), if there is one .

ta very muchly :0)


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Hi Den,

What do you think about the cake/biscuit debate, honey?......and before you answer, if incorrect, i'll probably bite your tush :0) x
(as I explained on page 1, Mike)

(only applies to chocolate biscuits)
Has it occurred to anybody that had we not been dragged into the EU against our will, thereby having to adopt the principle of VAT, there would be no need for this discussion. The precursor to VAT in the UK was purchase tax, which did not apply to any food product.
Well Yogi - as you can't dunk a Jaffa Cake in tea (coz it goes all mushy) I would say it is a cake - but there again in the supermarket they are always stacked with the biscuits {;0 /
my mate dunks toast in her tea
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On the fence, eh?.. are of course, right........I've always liked you, Den :0) ( or is it you were escaping a hickey on your arsenal x )
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Bits must fall off into it, 4get :0(
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>>>>Sneaks on>>>>>>

It's a biscuit! proof: In the supermarket aisle's under "biscuits" :0)

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Is a Jaffa Cake, a cake or a biscuit?

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