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Jemisa | 10:07 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Good morning folks, I've just been up to do my duty, Vote. I expected it to be busy but not many people about yet, probably at work or still in bed. However I expected to see quite a few OAPs but no, not yet.
I hope you all get time to put your crosses on paper today its the only way we can have our say.......



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Voted at 07.30 Jemisa. Wait and see time now or will be after 10pm.
ive not had a card so am going up later and my name had better be on the list!
Will go after another fag and cup of coffee...........
Going late afternoon/early evening with mrs bear.........hope they'll have some picnic baskets to nick? :0)
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Yep, redman.
My SinL is one of the counters here, he'll be starting at 10.00pm and won't be finishing til 4 am. but its a nice little earner for one night.
Dear All,

Some threads for you to have a look at.




I do love a good election!

Spare Ed
I can't disturb my stalker can I sneak out ?
done on my to work

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