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No Balls

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joggerjayne | 21:13 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Great name for a business selling girls-only fitness wear ...

I wish I'd thought of it !!


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They should say that on mens lycra running shorts.
lol gran
i wanted to have a makeup brand called B1tch slap.
Question Author
LOL 4get ...

I wonder if that's too subtle ?
I think there would have been alot of uproar from domestic violence charities
How about this for a name. Cook, Books & Hyde • Accountants
Like it marvel!....................
Thanks, I like this one too. Stan Tall & Bea Best, Physical Therapy
I always laugh at the cleaning company called 'Munters' whenever I see there van. I imagine it as a mini bus taking some of the local girls clubbing
Another good one there marvel! it too!
-- answer removed --
Floggit and Scarper....

There's a car repairer here called AB Crush.
Reid & Wright. Printers in Belfast

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