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Hung parliament thing

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sherrardk | 22:47 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
How many seats do you need to get to have parliament to yourself?


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Thanks, I suppose it would be quite exciting if anyone actually gave a sh!te!
Labour 1-0 up thanks to the Mackems....Idiots!
They said they'd be first!
Makes sense that's so far away they probably think Thatcher is still pm.
not all Mackems are idiots but that seat would be labour if a donkey stood as long as it was a labour donkey
Don't know why I'm sitting up watching this cr@p - I'm up early in t'morning!
lard- ditto lol, just looks interesting....not....
2-0 to Labour....What is it with Sunderland?
I've been there and can't say the place has benefited from 13 years of Labour!
I'm off to bed!

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Hung parliament thing

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